Contact us EMAIL General Enquiries - [email protected] For Collecting Uniforms - [email protected] PHONE NUMBER 07488 369649 ADDRESS 30 Loons Road, Dundee DD3 6AN Follow Us on Facebook Facebook-f Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Phone NumberEmail *Message *Submit School Uniform Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Parent/Guardian's name *FirstLast2. Number of children *3. Which Primary School/Schools?4. Which Secondary School/Schools?5. Shirt/Blouse colour? *6. Shirt/blouse size? *7. Are Polo Shirts preferred? *YesNo8. Select all that apply *TrousersShortsSkirtsPinafores9. Size/s of selected item/s?10. Summer dress *YesNo11. If yes, what size12. Select preference: *JumperCardiganHoodie13. Size/s of selected item/s?14. Select preference *CoatJacket15. What size?16. Blazer *YesNo17. What size?18. Shoes *YesNo19. What size?20. P.E. kit - shorts or leggings *YesNoShortsLeggings21. What size?22. P.E. shoes *YesNo23. What size?24. School bag *YesNo25. School Tie *YesNo26. Does your child have sensory issues regarding fabrics& shoes? *YesNo27. If yes, please give details28. Preferred contact method *EmailMessengerTextPhoneOther29. Please provide contact information: *Submit