about us

 Uniting for Uniforms is a Scottish Registered Charity, Registered Number SCO553331 set up to help families across Dundee and Angus struggling to buy school uniforms for the start of the new school year.

The clothing donations that we receive are cleaned prior to distributing the uniforms to the families most in need before the new school year starts.

Thank you for helping us reach our goal of providing school uniforms to children across Dundee.


Dear Uniting For Uniforms, thank you so much for providing the school uniforms for my daughter and son, they have saved us from going hungry this week

Hi Lesley, I literally didn’t know where I was going to find the money to buy my kids school clothes and shoes.  You don’t know how much this means to me.  Thank you 🙂


Youth Philanthropy Initiative Scotland Project


On 2nd May 2024 our board of trustees all went along to Carnoustie High School for the finals of their Youth Philanthropy Initiative Scotland project.
Michael is second year at the school and worked with his friend Matt, who sadly could not attend but deserves to be recognised for the work he put in, to create a presentation to give in front of judges with 4 other groups. Michael and Matt chose Uniting for Uniforms as their charity of choice and the hard work and dedication they put into the presentation shone through. They even created a short video on how much having the right uniforms can help pupils connect with their peers and become part of the school community. Michael gave his presentation on stage and his passion for our project was incredible. I was moved to tears (and I wasn’t the only one) by the compassion and determination to share Uniting for Uniforms with as many people as possible.
Every board member was there to support Michael and Matt as they supported us and we were so glad we all managed to make it along because they won!! First place in the YPI finals and we are so proud of them both. The YPI project is a fantastic way of bringing awareness in the community to the charities chosen by the students and being able to say our Saltire award volunteer won is my proudest moment in our (short) history. We aren’t quite a year old yet so this was a massive accomplishment and we want everyone to know how proud we are of the two young people that decided to promote our charity. Huge thanks go out to Michael and Matt 💞💞

3 Months After Our Launch

After a long and busy summer 2023, the schools are now back. We are over the moon to tell you that we were able to help 124 families get what they needed for their children returning to school. This added up to a whopping 317kg of school wear and we couldn’t have done any of it without you generous donations. We can’t thank you enough for all the kindness and generosity you have shown to our project which will be 12 weeks old on Thursday 17th August 2023!
It’s amazing to know that children have gone back to school in uniforms they needed because you all pitched in to help us help them. A massive thank you to all who donated, and all the businesses and organisations that supported us by allowing us to use their facilities as drop off point. Also to Menzieshill Community Hub – Local Management Group and Brooksbank Centre for giving us space for people to come and try their uniforms on. Thanks to Togs, Coldside Community Wardrobe , Dundee Bairns and Dundee and Angus Foodbank for the collaborative working that gave us so much support.
We are very grateful to Armadillo Storage for giving us a place to call home and allowed us to move out of the temporary and invaluable storage space from Dundee MakerSpace and to councillors Lynne Short and Siobhan Tolland for their support and advice.
I would also like to thank my volunteers for their incredible efforts in such a short time. As a volunteer led organisation, they really gave this everything they had and I am very grateful to each and every one of them.
Thank you again to everyone who supported us during our launch endeavours. We will still be available for donations and help with uniforms year round so please pass that along to anyone you think might be able to help or might need some help.
Thank you 💞💞💞🥰🥰